Example 2 - The Tasks


In [1]:
import sys, os
In [2]:
from adaptivemd import Project, ExecutionPlan, Trajectory

Let’s open our test project by its name. If you completed the previous example this should all work out of the box.

In [3]:
project = Project('tutorial')

Open all connections to the MongoDB and Session so we can get started.

Let’s see where we are. These numbers will depend on whether you run this notebook for the first time or just continue again. Unless you delete your project it will accumulate models and files over time, as is our ultimate goal.

In [4]:
print project.tasks

print project.trajectories
print project.models
<StoredBundle for with 2 file(s) @ 0x113a29a90>
<ViewBundle for with 1 file(s) @ 0x113a29bd0>
<StoredBundle for with 0 file(s) @ 0x113a299d0>

Now restore our old ways to generate tasks by loading the previously used generators.

In [5]:
engine = project.generators['openmm']
modeller = project.generators['pyemma']
pdb_file = project.files['initial_pdb']

Remember that we stored some files in the database and of course you can look at them again, should that be important.

In [6]:
print pdb_file.get_file()[:1000] + ' [...]'
REMARK   1 CREATED WITH MDTraj 1.8.0, 2016-12-22
CRYST1   26.063   26.063   26.063  90.00  90.00  90.00 P 1           1
MODEL        0
ATOM      1  H1  ACE A   1      -1.900   1.555  26.235  1.00  0.00          H
ATOM      2  CH3 ACE A   1      -1.101   2.011  25.651  1.00  0.00          C
ATOM      3  H2  ACE A   1      -0.850   2.954  26.137  1.00  0.00          H
ATOM      4  H3  ACE A   1      -1.365   2.132  24.600  1.00  0.00          H
ATOM      5  C   ACE A   1       0.182   1.186  25.767  1.00  0.00          C
ATOM      6  O   ACE A   1       1.089   1.407  26.645  1.00  0.00          O
ATOM      7  N   ALA A   2       0.302   0.256  24.807  1.00  0.00          N
ATOM      8  H   ALA A   2      -0.588   0.102  24.354  1.00  0.00          H
ATOM      9  CA  ALA A   2       1.498  -0.651  24.567  1.00  0.00          C
ATOM     10  HA  ALA A   2       1.810  -0.944  25.570  1.00  0.00          H
ATOM     11  CB  ALA A   2       1.054  -1.959  23.852 [...]

The Trajectory object

Before we talk about adaptivity, let’s have a look at possibilities to generate trajectories.

We assume that you successfully ran a first trajectory using a worker. Next, we talk about lot’s of ways to generate new trajectories.

Trajectories from a pdb

You will do this in the beginning. Remember we already have a PDB stored from setting up the engine. if you want to start from this configuration do as before

  1. create the Trajectory object you want
  2. make a task
  3. submit the task to craft the object into existance on the HPC

A trajectory contains all necessary information to make itself. It has

  1. a (hopefully unique) location: This will we the folder where all the files that belong to the trajectory go.
  2. an initial frame: the initial configuration to be used to tell the MD simulation package where to start
  3. a length in frames to run
  4. the Engine: the actual engine I want to use to create the trajectory.

Note, the Engine is technically not required unless you want to use .run() but it makes sense, because the engine contains information about the topology and, more importantly information about which output files are generated. This is the essential information you will need for analysis, e.g. what is the filename of the trajectory file that contains the protein structure and what is its stride?

Let’s first build a Trajectory from scratch

In [7]:
file_name = next(project.traj_name)              # get a unique new filename

trajectory = Trajectory(
    location=file_name,                          # this creates a new filename
    frame=pdb_file,                              # initial frame is the PDB
    length=100,                                  # length is 100 frames
    engine=engine                                # the engine to be used

Since this is tedious to write there is a shortcut

In [8]:
trajectory = project.new_trajectory(
    number=1          # if more then one you get a list of trajectories

Like in the first example, now that we have the parameters of the Trajectory we can create the task to do that.

The Task object

First, an example

In [9]:
task_run = engine.run(trajectory)

This was easy, but we can do some interesting stuff. Since we know the trajectory will exist now we can also extend by some frames. Remember, the trajectory does not really exist yet (not until we submit it and a worker executes it), but we can pretend that it does, since it’s relevant propertier are set.

In [10]:
task_extend = engine.extend(trajectory, 50)

The only problem is to make sure the tasks are run in the correct order. This would not be a problem if the worker will run tasks in the order they are place in the queue, but that defeats the purpose of parallel runs. Therefore an extended tasks knows that is depends on the existance of the source trajectory. The worker will hence only run a trajectory, once the source exists.

A queueing system ?

We might wonder at this point how we manage to construct the dependency graph between all tasks and how this is handled and optimized, etc…

Well, we don’t. There is no dependency graph, at least not explicitely. All we do, is to check at a time among all task that should be run, which of there can be run. And this is easy to check, all dependent tasks need to be completed and must have succeeded. Then we can rely on their (the dependencies) results to exists and it makes sense to continue.

A real dependency graph would go even further and know about all future relations and you could identify bottleneck tasks which are necessary to allow other tasks to be run. We don’t do that (yet). It could improve performance in the sense that you will run at optimal load balance and keep all workers as busy as possible. Consider our a attempt a first order dependency graph.

In [11]:
project.queue(task_run, task_extend)

A not on simulation length

Remember that we allow an engine to output multiple trajectory types with freely chosen strides? This could leave to trouble. Imagine this (unrealistic) situation:

We have 1. full trajectory with stride=10 2. a reduced protein-only trajectory with stride=7

Now run a trajectory of length=300. We get

  1. 30+1 full (+1 for the initial frame) and
  2. 42+1 protein frames

That per se is no problem, but if you want to extend we only have a restart file for the very last frame and while this works for the full trajectory, for the protein trajectory you are 6 frames short. Just continuing and concatenating the two leads to a gap of 6+7=13 frames instead of 7. A small big potentially significant source of error.

So, compute the least common multiple of all strides using

In [12]:

simpler function calls

There is also a shorter way of writing this

In [13]:
# task = trajectory.run().extend(50)

This will create two tasks that first runs the trajectory and then extend it by 50 frames (in native engine frames)

If you want to do that several times, you can pass a list of ints which is a shortcut for calling .extend(l1).extend(l2). ...

In [14]:
# task = trajectory.run().extend([10] * 10)

This will create 10! tasks that eacht will extend the previous one. Each of the task requires the previous one to finish, this way the dependency is preserved. You can use this to mimick using several restarts in between and it also means that you have no idea which worker will actually start and which worker will continue or finish a trajectory.

Checking the results

For a seconds let’s see if everything went fine.

In [27]:
for t in project.trajectories:
    print t.short, t.length
sandbox:///{}/00000000/ 100
sandbox:///{}/00000002/ 150

If this works, then you should see one 100 frame trajectory from the setup (first example) and a second 150 length trajectory that we just generated by running 100 frames and extending it by another 50.

If not, there might be a problem or (more likely) the tasks are not finished yet. Just try the above cell again and see if it changes to the expected output.

project.trajectories will show you only existing trajectories. Not ones, that are planned or have been extended. If you want to see all the ones already in the project, you can look at project.files. Which is a bundle and bundles can be filtered. But first all files

In [28]:
for f in project.files:
    print f

Now all files filtered by [c]lass Trajectory. DT is a little helper to convert time stamps into something readable.

In [29]:
from adaptivemd import DT
In [30]:
for t in project.files.c(Trajectory):
    print t.short, t.length,
    if t.created:
        if t.created > 0:
            print 'created  @ %s' % DT(t.created)
            print 'modified @ %s' % DT(-t.created)
        print 'not existent'
sandbox:///{}/00000000/ 100 created  @ 2017-05-26 22:45:00
sandbox:///{}/00000002/ 100 modified @ 2017-05-26 22:46:14
sandbox:///{}/00000002/ 150 created  @ 2017-05-26 22:46:14

You see, that the extended trajecory appears twice once with length 100 and once with length 150. This is correct, because at the idea of a 100 frame trajectory was used and hence is saved. But why does this one not appear in the list of trajectories. It was created first and had a timestamp of creation written to .created. This is the time when the worker finishes and was successful.

At the same time, all files that are overwritten, are marked as modified by setting a negative timestamp. So if

  1. .created is None, the file does not exist nor has it.
  2. .created > 0, the file exists
  3. .created < 0, the file existed but has been overwritten

Finally, all project.trajectories are files of type Trajectory with positive created index.

Dealing with errors

Let’s do something stupid and produce an error by using a wrong initial pdb file.

In [31]:
trajectory = project.new_trajectory(engine['system_file'], 100)
task = engine.run(trajectory)

Well, nothing changed obviously and we expect it to fail. So let’s inspect what happened.

In [35]:

You might need to execute this cell several times. It will first become queued, then running and finally fail and stop there.

It failed, well, we kind of knew that. No suprise here, but why? Let’s look at the stdout and stderr

In [36]:
print task.stdout
22:46:34 [worker:3] stdout from running task
Reading PDB

In [37]:
print task.stderr
22:46:34 [worker:3] stderr from running task
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "openmmrun.py", line 169, in <module>
    pdb = PDBFile(args.topology_pdb)
  File "/Users/jan-hendrikprinz/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/simtk/openmm/app/pdbfile.py", line 159, in __init__
    self.positions = self._positions[0]
IndexError: list index out of range

We see, what we expect. In openmmrun.py the openmm executable it could not load the pdb file.

NOTE If your worker dies for some reason, it will not set a STDOUT or STDERR. If you think that your task should be able to execute, then you can do task.state = 'created' and reset it to be accessible to workers. This is NOT recommended, just to explain how this works. Of course you need a new worker anyway.

What else

If you have a Trajectory object and create the real trajectory file, you can also put the Trajectory directly into the queue. This is equivalent to call .run on the trajectory and submit the resulting Task to the queue. The only downside is that you do not see the task object and cannot directly work with it, check it’s status, etc…

In [38]:
# project.queue(project.new_trajectory(pdb_file, 100, engine).run()) can be called as
project.queue(project.new_trajectory(pdb_file, 100, engine))

Trajectories from other trajectories

This will be the most common case. At least in any remote kind of adaptivity you will not start always from the same position or extend. You want to pick any exisiting frame and continue from there. So, let’s do that.

First we get a trajectory. Every Bundle in the project (e.g. .trajectories, .models, .files, .tasks) acts like an enhanced set. You can iterate over all entries as we did before, and you can get one element, which usually is the first stored, but not always. If you are interested in Bundles see the documentation. For now that is enough to know, that a bundle (as a set) has a .one function which is short for getting the first object if you iterate. As if you would call next(project.trajectories). Note, that the iterator does not ensure a fixed order. You literally might get any object, if there is at least one.

In [39]:
trajectory = project.trajectories.one

Good, at least 100 frames. We pick, say, frame at index 28 (which is the 29th frame, we start counting at zero) using the way you pick an element from a python list (which is almost what a Trajectory represents, a list of frames)

In [40]:
frame = trajectory[28]
print frame, frame.exists
Frame(sandbox:///{}/00000000/[28]) False
In [41]:
frame = trajectory[30]
print frame, frame.exists
Frame(sandbox:///{}/00000000/[30]) True

This part is important! We are running only one full atom trajectory with stride larger than one, so if we want to pick a frame from this trajectory you can pick in theory every frame, but only some of these really exist. If you want to restart from a frame this needs to be the case. Otherwise you run into trouble.

To run a trajectory just use the frame as the initial frame.

In [42]:
frame = trajectory[28]
task = project.new_trajectory(frame, 100, engine).run()
print task
In [43]:
frame = trajectory[30]
task = project.new_trajectory(frame, 100, engine).run()
print task
<adaptivemd.engine.engine.TrajectoryGenerationTask object at 0x113a6f1d0>
In [44]:
print task.description
Task: TrajectoryGenerationTask(OpenMMEngine) [created]

- staging:///integrator.xml
- staging:///alanine.pdb
- staging:///openmmrun.py
- sandbox:///{}/00000000/ [exists]
- staging:///system.xml
- sandbox:///{}/00000006/

Link('staging:///alanine.pdb' > 'worker://initial.pdb)
Link('staging:///system.xml' > 'worker://system.xml)
Link('staging:///integrator.xml' > 'worker://integrator.xml)
Link('staging:///openmmrun.py' > 'worker://openmmrun.py)
Link('sandbox:///{}/00000000/' > 'worker://source/)
mdconvert -o worker://input.pdb -i 3 -t worker://initial.pdb worker://source/master.dcd
python openmmrun.py -r --report-interval 1 -p CPU --types="{'protein':{'stride':1,'selection':'protein','filename':'protein.dcd'},'master':{'stride':10,'selection':null,'filename':'master.dcd'}}" -t worker://input.pdb --length 100 worker://traj/
Move('worker://traj/' > 'sandbox:///{}/00000006/)

See, how the actual frame picked in the mdconvert line is -i 3 meaning index 3 which represents frame 30 with stride 10.

Now, run the task.

In [45]:

Btw, you can wait until something happens using project.wait_until(condition). This is not so useful in notebooks, but in scripts it does. condition here is a function that evaluates to True or False. it will be tested in regular intervals and once it is True the function returns.

In [46]:
In [47]:

Each Task has a function is_done that you can use. It will return once a task is done. That means it either failed or succeeded or was cancelled. Basically when it is not queued anymore.

If you want to run adaptively, all you need to do is to figure out where to start new simulations from and use the methods provided to run these.

Model tasks

There are of course other things you can do besides creating new trajectories

In [48]:
from adaptivemd.analysis.pyemma import PyEMMAAnalysis

The instance to compute an MSM model of existing trajectories that you pass it. It is initialized with a .pdb file that is used to create features between the \(c_\alpha\) atoms. This implementaton requires a PDB but in general this is not necessay. It is specific to my PyEMMAAnalysis show case.

In [49]:
modeller = PyEMMAAnalysis(
    features={'add_inverse_distances': {'select_Backbone': None}}

Again we name it pyemma for later reference.

The other two option chose which output type from the engine we want to analyse. We chose the protein trajectories since these are faster to load and have better time resolution.

The features dict expresses which features to use. In our case use all inverse distances between backbone c_alpha atoms.

A model generating task work similar to trajectories. You create the generator with options (so far, this will become more complex in the future) and then you create a Task from passing it a list of trajectories to be analyzed.

In [50]:
task = modeller.execute(list(project.trajectories))
In [51]:
In [52]:
for m in project.models:
    print m
<adaptivemd.model.Model object at 0x113a62350>

So we generated one model. The Model objects contain (in the base version) only a .data attribute which is a dictionary of information about the generated model.

In [53]:
model = project.models.last
In [54]:
print model['msm']['P']
[[ 0.92105263  0.0122409   0.          0.06670647  0.        ]
 [ 0.00981369  0.90825688  0.          0.03976326  0.04216617]
 [ 0.          0.          0.92405064  0.05817864  0.01777072]
 [ 0.05301407  0.03941725  0.01509557  0.89247312  0.        ]
 [ 0.          0.06071783  0.0066979   0.          0.93258427]]

Pick frames automatically

The last thing that is implemented is a function that can utilize models to decide which frames are better to start from. The simplest one will use the counts per state, take the inverse and use this as a distribution.

In [55]:

So you can pick states according to the newest (last) model. (This will be moved to the Brain). And since we want trajectories with these frames as starting points there is also a function for that

In [56]:
trajectories = project.new_ml_trajectory(length=100, number=4, engine=engine)
[Trajectory(Frame(sandbox:///{}/00000004/[50]) >> [0..100]),
 Trajectory(Frame(sandbox:///{}/00000002/[30]) >> [0..100]),
 Trajectory(Frame(sandbox:///{}/00000002/[20]) >> [0..100]),
 Trajectory(Frame(sandbox:///{}/00000006/[80]) >> [0..100])]

Let’s submit these before we finish this notebook with a quick discussion of workers

In [57]:

That’s it.

The Worker objects

Worker are the instances that execute tasks for you. If you did not stop the worker in the command line it will still be running and you can check its state

In [58]:
for w in project.workers:
    if w.state == 'running':
        print '[%s:%s] %s:%s' % (w.state, DT(w.seen).time, w.hostname, w.cwd)
[running:22:47:26] Stevie.fritz.box:/Users/jan-hendrikprinz/Studium/git/adaptivemd

Okay, the worker is running, was last reporting its heartbeat at … and has a hostname and current working directory (where it was executed from). The generators specify which tasks from some generators are executed. If it is None then the worker runs all tasks it finds. You can use this to run specific workers for models and some for trajectory generation.

You can also control it remotely by sending it a command. shutdown will shut it down for you.

In [59]:
# project.workers.last.command = 'shutdown'

Afterwards you need to restart you worker to continue with this examples.

If you want to control Worker objects look at the documentation.

In [60]: