
class adaptivemd.PythonTask(generator=None)[source]

A special task that does a RPC python calls

  • then_func_name (str or None) – the name of the function of the TaskGenerator to be called with the resulting output
  • store_output (bool) – if True then the result from the RPC called function will also be stored in the database. It can later be retrieved using the .output attribute on the task completed successfully

x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature


__init__([generator]) x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
add_cb(event, cb) Add a custom callback
add_conda_env(name) Add loading a conda env to all tasks of this resource
add_files(files) Add additional files to the task execution
param path:a (list of) path(s) to be added to the $PATH variable before task execution
append(cmd) Append a command to this task
args() Return a list of args of the __init__ function of a class
backup_output_json(target) Add an action that will copy the resulting JSON file to the given path
base() Return the most parent class actually derived from StorableMixin
call(command, **kwargs) Set the python function to be called with its arguments
cancel() Mark a task as cancelled if it it not running or has been halted
descendants() Return a list of all subclassed objects
fire(event, scheduler) Fire an event like success or failed.
from_dict(dct) Reconstruct an object from a dictionary representation
get(f[, name]) Get a file and make it available to the task in the main directory
get_uuid() Create a new unique ID :returns: the unique number for an object in the project :rtype: long
has_failed() Check if the task is done executing and has failed
idx(store) Return the index which is used for the object in the given store.
is_done() Check if the task is done executing.
link(f[, name]) Add an action to create a link to a file (under a new name)
named(name) Attach a .name property to an object
objects() Returns a dictionary of all storable objects
prepend(cmd) Append a command to this task
put(f, target) Put a file back and make it persistent
remove(f) Add an action to remove a file or folder
restart() Mark a task as being runnable if it was stopped or failed before
setenv(key, value) Set an environment variable for the task
then(func_name) Set the name of the function to be called from the generator after success
to_dict() Convert object into a dictionary representation
touch(f) Add an action to create an empty file or folder at a given location
was_successful() Check if the task is done executing and was successful


additional_files list of Location return the list of files created other than taken care of by actions.
base_cls Return the base class
base_cls_name Return the name of the base class
cls Return the class name as a string
dependency_okay Check if all dependency tasks are successful
description Return a lengthy description of the task for debugging and information
environment dict str – str the dict of environment variables and their assigned value
modified_files A set of all input files whose names match output names and hence will be overwritten
new_files Return a set of all files the will be newly created by this task
output Return the data contained in the output file
pre_add_paths list of str the list of added paths to the $PATH variable by this task
ready Check if this task is ready to be executed
script list of str or Action the full script of this task.
source_locations Return a set of all required file urls
sources Return a set of all required input files
staged_files Set of all staged files by the tasks generator
target_locations Return a set of all new and overwritten file urls
targets Return a set of all new and overwritten files
unstaged_input_files Return a set of File objects that are used but are not part of the generator stage

Add an action that will copy the resulting JSON file to the given path

Parameters:target (Location) – the place to copy the resulting output.json file to

Return the data contained in the output file

Return type:object

Set the name of the function to be called from the generator after success

Parameters:func_name (str) – the function name to be called after success
call(command, **kwargs)[source]

Set the python function to be called with its arguments

  • command (function) – a python function defined inside a package or a function. If in a package then the package needs to be installed on the cluster to be called. A function defined in a local file can be called as long as dependencies are installed.
  • kwargs (**kwargs) – named arguments to the function