Source code for adaptivemd.mongodb.mongodb

# adaptiveMD: A Python Framework to Run Adaptive Molecular Dynamics (MD)
#             Simulations on HPC Resources
# Copyright 2017 FU Berlin and the Authors
# Authors: Jan-Hendrik Prinz
# Contributors:
# `adaptiveMD` is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with MDTraj. If not, see <>.

# part of the code below was taken from `openpathsampling` see
# <> or
# <
# for details and license

import abc
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from dictify import UUIDObjectJSON
from object import ObjectStore

from pymongo import MongoClient

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MongoDBStorage(object): """ Extension of the pymongo wrapper for easier storage of python objects """ _db_url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/' @property def version(self): import version return version.short_version @property def objects(self): """ Return a dictionary of all objects stored. """ return self._stores
[docs] def find_store(self, obj): """ Return the default store used for an storable object Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`mongodb.StorableMixin` the storable object to be tested Returns ------- :class:`mongodb.ObjectStore` the store that is used by default to store the given storable obj """ if type(obj) is type or type(obj) is abc.ABCMeta: if obj not in self._obj_store: raise ValueError( 'Objects of class "%s" are not storable in this store.' % obj.__name__) return self._obj_store[obj] else: if obj.__class__ not in self._obj_store: raise ValueError( 'Objects of class "%s" are not storable in this store.' % obj.__class__.__name__) return self._obj_store[obj.__class__]
[docs] def update_storable_classes(self): """ Update the internal list of all objects that are subclassed from StorableMixin If you create your own subclass of a storable object then you need to call this function to update the list so that you can load and save instances of your new class """ self.simplifier.update_class_list()
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, mode=None): """ Create a mongodb storage for complex objects Parameters ---------- filename : string name of the mongodb database mode : str the mode of file creation, one of 'w' (write), 'a' (append) or 'r' (read-only) None, which will append any existing files (equal to append), is the default. Notes ----- You can safely open a storage from multiple instances. These will cross update. """ if mode is None: mode = 'a' self.mode = mode self._client = MongoClient(self._db_url) self._db_name = 'storage-' + filename self.filename = filename # this can be set to false to re-store proxies from other stores self.exclude_proxy_from_other = False super(MongoDBStorage, self).__init__() self._setup_class() if mode == 'w':"Setup netCDF file and create variables") self._client.drop_database(self._db_name) self.db = self._client[self._db_name] self._create_simplifier() # create the store that holds stores store_stores = ObjectStore('stores', ObjectStore) self.register_store(store_stores) self.stores.initialize() self.stores.set_caching(True) # this will create all variables in the storage for all new # added stores this is often already call inside of _initialize. # If not we just make sure self.finalize_stores()"Finished setting up netCDF file") elif mode == 'a' or mode == 'r+' or mode == 'r': logger.debug("Restore the dict of units from the storage") self.db = self._client[self._db_name] # self.check_version() self._create_simplifier() # open the store that contains all stores self.register_store(ObjectStore('stores', ObjectStore)) self.stores.set_caching(True) self.stores.restore() # register all stores that are listed in self.stores for store in self.stores: self.register_store(store) store.register(self) self._restore_storages() # only if we have a new style file if hasattr(self, 'attributes'): for attribute, store in zip( self.attributes, self.attributes.vars['cache'] ): key_store = self.attributes.key_store(attribute) key_store.attribute_list[attribute] = store
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the DB connection """ self._client.close()
def _create_simplifier(self): self.simplifier = UUIDObjectJSON(self)
[docs] @classmethod def list_storages(cls): c = MongoClient(cls._db_url) names = c.database_names() c.close() return [n[8:] for n in names if n.startswith('storage-')]
[docs] @classmethod def delete_storage(cls, name): c = MongoClient(cls._db_url) c.drop_database('storage-' + name) c.close()
@staticmethod def _cmp_version(v1, v2): q1 = v1.split('-')[0].split('.') q2 = v2.split('-')[0].split('.') for v1, v2 in zip(q1, q2): if int(v1) > int(v2): return +1 elif int(v1) < int(v2): return -1 return 0
[docs] def check_version(self): try: s1 = self.getncattr('ncplus_version') except AttributeError: 'Using mongodb Pre 1.0 version. ' 'No version detected using 0.0.0') s1 = '0.0.0' s2 = self._mongodb_version_ cp = self._cmp_version(s1, s2) if cp != 0:'Loading different mongodb version. ' 'Installed version is ' '%s and loaded version is %s' % (s2, s1)) if cp > 0: 'Loaded version is newer consider upgrading your ' 'conda package!') else: 'Loaded version is older. Should be no problem other then ' 'missing features and information')
[docs] def write_meta(self): pass
def _setup_class(self): """ Sets the basic properties for the storage """ self._stores = OrderedDict() self._objects = {} self._obj_store = {} self._storages_base_cls = {}
[docs] def create_store(self, store, register_attr=True): """ Create a special variable type `` that can hold storable objects Parameters ---------- store : :class:`mongodb.ObjectStore` the store to be added to this storage register_attr : bool if True the store will be added to the storage as an attribute with name `name` """ self.register_store(store, register_attr=register_attr)
[docs] def finalize_stores(self): """ Run initializations for all added stores. This will make sure that all previously added stores are now usable. If you add more stores you need to call this again. The reason this is done at all is that stores might reference each other and so no unique order of creation can be found. Thus you first create stores with all their dependencies and then finalize all of them together. """ for store in self._stores.values(): if not store.is_created():"Initializing store '%s'" % store.initialize() for store in self._stores.values(): if not store.is_created():"Initializing store '%s'" % store.initialize() self.simplifier.update_class_list()
[docs] def register_store(self, store, register_attr=True): """ Add a object store to the file An object store is a special type of variable that allows to store python objects Parameters ---------- store : :class:`mongodb.ObjectStore` instance of the object store register_attr : bool if set to false the store will not be accesible as an attribute. True is the default. """ name = store.register(self) if register_attr: if hasattr(self, name): raise ValueError('Attribute name %s is already in use!' % name) setattr(self,, store) self._stores[name] = store if store.content_class is not None: self._objects[store.content_class] = store self._obj_store[store.content_class] = store self._obj_store.update( {cls: store for cls in store.content_class.descendants()})
def __repr__(self): return "Storage @ '" + self.filename + "'" def __getattr__(self, item): try: return self.__dict__[item] except KeyError: return self.__class__.__dict__[item] def __setattr__(self, key, value): self.__dict__[key] = value def _init_storages(self): """ Run the initialization on all added classes Notes ----- Only runs when the storage is created. """ for storage in self._stores.values(): storage.initialize() self.update_delegates() def _restore_storages(self): """ Run the restore method on all added classes Notes ----- Only runs when an existing storage is opened. """ for storage in self._stores.values(): storage.restore() storage._created = True
[docs] def list_stores(self): """ Return a list of registered stores Returns ------- list of str list of stores that can be accessed using `storage.[store]` """ return [ for store in self._stores.values()]
[docs] def list_storable_objects(self): """ Return a list of storable object base classes Returns ------- list of type list of base classes that can be stored using `` """ return [ store.content_class for store in self.objects.values() if store.content_class is not None]
[docs] def save(self, obj): """ Save a storable object into the correct Storage in the netCDF file Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`StorableMixin` the object to store Returns ------- str the class name of the BaseClass of the stored object, which is needed when loading the object to identify the correct storage """ if type(obj) is list: # a list of objects will be stored one by one return [ for part in obj] elif type(obj) is tuple: # a tuple will store all parts return [ for part in obj] elif obj.__class__ in self._obj_store: # to store we just check if the base_class is present in the # storages also we assume that if a class has no base_cls store = self.find_store(obj) return store, obj.__uuid__, # Could not save this object. raise RuntimeWarning("Objects of type '%s' cannot be stored!" % obj.__class__.__name__)
def __contains__(self, item): if type(item) is list: # a list of objects will be stored one by one return [part in self for part in item] elif type(item) is tuple: # a tuple will store all parts return tuple([part in self for part in item]) elif item.__class__ in self._obj_store: # to store we just check if the base_class is present in the # storages also we assume that if a class has no base_cls store = self.find_store(item) return item in store return False
[docs] def load(self, uuid): """ Load an object from the storage Parameters ---------- uuid : uuid.UUID the uuid to be loaded Returns ------- :class:`mongodb.StorableMixin` the object loaded from the storage Notes ----- this only works in storages with uuids otherwise load directly from the sub-stores """ for store in self.objects.values(): if uuid in store.index: return store[uuid] # need to update for store in self.objects.values(): store.check_size() if uuid in store.index: return store[uuid] # nothing found. raise KeyError("UUID %s not found in storage" % uuid)
[docs] def cache_image(self): """ Return an dict containing information about all caches Returns ------- dict a nested dict containing information about the number and types of cached objects """ image = { 'weak': {}, 'strong': {}, 'total': {}, 'file': {}, 'index': {} } total_strong = 0 total_weak = 0 total_file = 0 total_index = 0 for name, store in self.objects.iteritems(): size = store.cache.size count = store.cache.count profile = { 'count': count[0] + count[1], 'count_strong': count[0], 'count_weak': count[1], 'max': size[0], 'size_strong': size[0], 'size_weak': size[1], } total_strong += count[0] total_weak += count[1] total_file += len(store) total_index += len(store.index) image[name] = profile image['strong'][name] = count[0] image['weak'][name] = count[1] image['total'][name] = count[0] + count[1] image['file'][name] = len(store) image['index'][name] = len(store.index) image['full'] = total_weak + total_strong image['total_strong'] = total_strong image['total_weak'] = total_weak image['file'] = total_file image['index'] = total_index return image