Source code for adaptivemd.mongodb.dictify

# adaptiveMD: A Python Framework to Run Adaptive Molecular Dynamics (MD)
#             Simulations on HPC Resources
# Copyright 2017 FU Berlin and the Authors
# Authors: Jan-Hendrik Prinz
# Contributors:
# `adaptiveMD` is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with MDTraj. If not, see <>.

# part of the code below was taken from `openpathsampling` see
# <> or
# <
# for details and license

import base64
import importlib

import numpy as np
import math
import abc
from uuid import UUID

import ujson

import marshal
import types
import opcode
import __builtin__

from base import StorableMixin

__author__ = 'Jan-Hendrik Prinz'

[docs]class ObjectJSON(object): """ A simple implementation of a pickle algorithm to create object that can be converted to json and back """ allow_marshal = True # switch to `true`, if you want more protection prevent_unsafe_modules = False allowed_storable_atomic_types = [ int, float, bool, long, str, np.float32, np.float64, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64, ] safe_modules = [ 'numpy', 'math', 'pandas', 'mdtraj', 'simtk', 'simtk.unit', 'simtk.openmm' ] def __init__(self, unit_system=None): self.excluded_keys = [] self.unit_system = unit_system self.class_list = dict() self.allowed_storable_types = dict() self.type_names = {} self.type_classes = {} self.update_class_list()
[docs] def update_class_list(self): self.class_list = StorableMixin.objects() self.type_names = { cls.__name__: cls for cls in self.allowed_storable_atomic_types} self.type_names.update(self.class_list) self.type_classes = { cls: name for name, cls in self.type_names.iteritems()}
[docs] def simplify_object(self, obj): return { '_cls': obj.__class__.__name__, '_dict': self.simplify(obj.to_dict(), obj.base_cls_name) }
[docs] def simplify(self, obj, base_type=''): if obj.__class__.__name__ == 'module': # store an imported module if obj.__name__.split('.')[0] in self.safe_modules: return {'_import': obj.__name__} else: raise RuntimeError(( 'The module reference "%s" you want to store is ' 'not allowed!') % obj.__name__) elif type(obj) is type or type(obj) is abc.ABCMeta: # store a storable number type if obj in self.type_classes: return {'_type': obj.__name__} else: return None elif type(obj) is float and math.isinf(obj): return { '_float': str(obj)} elif type(obj) is int and math.isinf(obj): return { '_integer': str(obj)} elif obj.__class__.__module__ != '__builtin__': # if obj.__class__ is units.Quantity: # # This is number with a unit so turn it into a list # if self.unit_system is not None: # return { # '_value': self.simplify( # obj.value_in_unit_system(self.unit_system)), # '_units': self.unit_to_dict( # obj.unit.in_unit_system(self.unit_system)) # } # else: # return { # '_value': self.simplify(obj / obj.unit, base_type), # '_units': self.unit_to_dict(obj.unit) # } if obj.__class__ is np.ndarray: # this is maybe not the best way to store large numpy arrays! return { '_numpy': self.simplify(obj.shape), '_dtype': str(obj.dtype), '_data': base64.b64encode(obj.copy(order='C')) } elif hasattr(obj, 'to_dict'): # the object knows how to dismantle itself into a json string if hasattr(obj, '__uuid__'): return { '_cls': obj.__class__.__name__, '_obj_uuid': str(UUID(int=obj.__uuid__)), '_dict': self.simplify(obj.to_dict(), base_type)} else: return { '_cls': obj.__class__.__name__, '_dict': self.simplify(obj.to_dict(), base_type)} elif type(obj) is UUID: return { '_uuid': str(UUID(int=obj))} # we will convert numpy scalars to python scalar (and cross fingers) elif isinstance(obj, np.bool_): return bool(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.int_): return int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.float_): # todo: this might be dangerous - potential loss of accuracy return float(obj) else: return None elif type(obj) is list: return [self.simplify(o, base_type) for o in obj] elif type(obj) is tuple: return {'_tuple': [self.simplify(o, base_type) for o in obj]} elif type(obj) is dict: # we want to support storable objects as keys so we need to wrap # dicts with care and store them using tuples simple = [ key for key in obj.keys() if type(key) is str or type(key) is int] if len(simple) < len(obj): # other keys than int or str result = { '_dict': [ self.simplify(tuple([key, o])) for key, o in obj.iteritems() if key not in self.excluded_keys ]} else: result = { key: self.simplify(o) for key, o in obj.iteritems() if key not in self.excluded_keys } return result elif type(obj) is slice: return { '_slice': [obj.start, obj.stop, obj.step]} else: oo = obj return oo
@staticmethod def _unicode2str(s): if type(s) is unicode: return s.encode('utf8') else: return s
[docs] def build(self, obj): if type(obj) is dict: # if '_units' in obj and '_value' in obj: # return # obj['_value']) * self.unit_from_dict(obj['_units']) if '_slice' in obj: return slice(*obj['_slice']) elif '_numpy' in obj: return np.frombuffer( base64.decodestring(obj['_data']), dtype=np.dtype(obj['_dtype'])).reshape(['_numpy']) ) elif '_float' in obj: return float(str(obj['_float'])) elif '_integer' in obj: return float(str(obj['_integer'])) elif '_uuid' in obj: return int(UUID(obj['_uuid'])) elif '_cls' in obj and '_dict' in obj: if obj['_cls'] not in self.class_list: self.update_class_list() if obj['_cls'] not in self.class_list: # updating did not help, so there is nothing we can do. raise ValueError(( 'Cannot create obj of class `%s`.\n' + 'Class is not registered as creatable! ' 'You might have to define\n' + 'the class locally and call ' '`update_storable_classes()` on your storage.') % obj['_cls']) attributes =['_dict']) ret = self.class_list[obj['_cls']].from_dict(attributes) if '_obj_uuid' in obj: # vals = {x: getattr(ret, x) for x in ret._find_by} ret.__uuid__ = int(UUID(obj['_obj_uuid'])) # for k,v in vals.iteritems(): # setattr(ret, ) return ret elif '_tuple' in obj: return tuple([ for o in obj['_tuple']]) elif '_type' in obj: # return a type of a _built-in_ `storable` type return self.type_names.get(obj['_type']) elif '_dict' in obj: return { self._unicode2str( for key, o in['_dict']) } elif '_import' in obj: module = obj['_import'] if module.split('.')[0] in self.safe_modules: imp = importlib.import_module(module) return imp else: return None elif '_marshal' in obj or '_module' in obj: return self.callable_from_dict(obj) else: return { self._unicode2str(key): for key, o in obj.iteritems() } elif type(obj) is list: return [ for o in obj] elif type(obj) is unicode: return self._unicode2str(obj) else: return obj
[docs] @staticmethod def unit_to_symbol(unit): return str(1.0 * unit).split()[1]
# @staticmethod # def unit_to_dict(unit): # unit_dict = { # int(fac) for p, fac in unit.iter_base_or_scaled_units()} # return unit_dict # # @staticmethod # def unit_from_dict(unit_dict): # unit = units.Unit({}) # for unit_name, unit_multiplication in unit_dict.iteritems(): # unit *= getattr(units, unit_name) ** unit_multiplication # # return unit
[docs] @staticmethod def callable_to_dict(c): """ Turn a callable function of class into a dictionary Used for conversion to JSON Parameters ---------- c : callable (function or class with __call__) the function to be turned into a dict representation Returns ------- dict the dict representation of the callable """ f_module = c.__module__ root_module = f_module.split('.')[0] # is_class = isinstance(c, (type, types.ClassType)) # try saving known external classes of functions, e.g. `msmbuilder` if root_module in ObjectJSON.safe_modules: # only store the function/class and the module return { '_module': c.__module__, '_name': c.__name__ } # if the easy way did not work, try saving it using bytecode if ObjectJSON.allow_marshal and callable(c): # use marshal global_vars = ObjectJSON._find_var(c, opcode.opmap['LOAD_GLOBAL']) import_vars = ObjectJSON._find_var(c, opcode.opmap['IMPORT_NAME']) builtins = dir(__builtin__) global_vars = list(set( [var for var in global_vars if var not in builtins])) import_vars = list(set(import_vars)) err = '' if len(global_vars) > 0: err += 'The function you try to save relies on globally set ' \ 'variables and these cannot be saved since storage ' \ 'has no access to the global scope which includes ' \ 'imports! \n\n' err += 'We require that the following globals: ' + \ str(global_vars) + ' either\n' err += '\n1. be replaced by constants' err += '\n2. be defined inside your function,' + \ '\n\n' + '\n'.join( map(lambda x: ' ' * 8 + x + '= ...', global_vars) ) + '\n' err += '\n3. imports need to be "re"-imported inside your ' \ 'function' + \ '\n\n' + '\n'.join( map(lambda x: ' ' * 8 + 'import ' + x, global_vars) ) + '\n' err += '\n4. be passed as an external parameter ' \ '(not for imports!)' err += '\n\n my_cv = FunctionCV("cv_name", ' + \ c.func_name + ', \n' + \ ',\n'.join( map(lambda x: ' ' * 20 + x + '=' + x, global_vars) ) + ')' + '\n' err += '\n and change your function definition like this' err += '\n\n def ' + \ c.func_name + '(snapshot, ..., ' + \ '\n' + ',\n'.join( map(lambda x: ' ' * 16 + x, global_vars) ) + '):' unsafe_modules = [ module for module in import_vars if module not in ObjectJSON.safe_modules ] if ObjectJSON.prevent_unsafe_modules and len(unsafe_modules) > 0: if len(err) > 0: err += '\n\n' err += 'The function you try to save requires the following' \ ' modules to be installed: ' + str(unsafe_modules) + \ ' which are not marked as safe! ' err += 'You can change the list of safe modules using ' err += '\n\n ObjectJSON.safe_modules.extend([' err += '\n' + ',\n'.join( map(lambda x: ' ' * 12 + x, unsafe_modules) ) err += '\n ])' err += '\n\n' err += 'include the import statement in your function like' err += '\n\n' + '\n'.join( [' ' * 8 + 'import ' + v for v in unsafe_modules]) if len(err) > 0: raise RuntimeError('Cannot store function! \n\n' + word_wrap(err, 60)) return { '_marshal': base64.b64encode( marshal.dumps(c.func_code)), '_global_vars': global_vars, '_module_vars': import_vars } raise RuntimeError('Locally defined classes are not storable yet')
[docs] @staticmethod def callable_from_dict(c_dict): """ Turn a dictionary back in a callable function or class Used for conversion from JSON Parameters ---------- c_dict : dict the dictionary that contains the information Returns ------- callable the reconstructed callable function or class """ c = None if c_dict is not None: if '_marshal' in c_dict: if ObjectJSON.allow_marshal: code = marshal.loads(base64.b64decode(c_dict['_marshal'])) c = types.FunctionType(code, globals(), code.co_name) elif '_module' in c_dict: module = c_dict['_module'] packages = module.split('.') if packages[0] in ObjectJSON.safe_modules: imp = importlib.import_module(module) c = getattr(imp, c_dict['_name']) return c
@staticmethod def _find_var(code, op): """ Helper function to search in python bytecode for specific function calls Parameters ---------- code : function the python bytecode to be searched op : int the int code of the code to be found Returns ------- list of func_code.co_names a list of co_names used in this function when calling op """ # TODO: Clean this up. It now works only for codes that use co_names opcodes = code.func_code.co_code i = 0 ret = [] while i < len(opcodes): int_code = ord(opcodes[i]) if int_code == op: ret.append((i, ord(opcodes[i + 1]) + ord(opcodes[i + 2]) * 256)) if int_code < opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: i += 1 else: i += 3 return [code.func_code.co_names[i[1]] for i in ret]
[docs] def to_json(self, obj, base_type=''): simplified = self.simplify(obj, base_type) return ujson.dumps(simplified)
[docs] def to_json_object(self, obj): if hasattr(obj, 'base_cls') \ and type(obj) is not type and type(obj) is not abc.ABCMeta: simplified = self.simplify_object(obj) else: simplified = self.simplify(obj) return ujson.dumps(simplified)
[docs] def from_json(self, json_string): simplified = ujson.loads(json_string) return
# def unit_to_json(self, unit): # simple = self.unit_to_dict(unit) # return self.to_json(simple) # # def unit_from_json(self, json_string): # return self.unit_from_dict(self.from_json(json_string))
[docs] def from_simple_dict(self, simplified): obj = obj.__uuid__ = int(UUID(simplified.get('_id'))) obj.__time__ = simplified.get('_time', 0) # use time or 0 if unset if 'name' in simplified: = simplified['name'] for key in obj._find_by: if key in simplified: setattr(obj, key,[key])) return obj
[docs] def to_simple_dict(self, obj, base_type=''): dct = { '_cls': obj.__class__.__name__, '_obj_uuid': str(UUID(int=obj.__uuid__)), '_dict': self.simplify(obj.to_dict(), base_type), '_id': str(UUID(int=obj.__uuid__)), '_time': int(obj.__time__)} if hasattr(obj, 'name'): dct['name'] = for key in obj._find_by: if hasattr(obj, key): dct[key] = self.simplify(getattr(obj, key)) return dct
[docs]class UUIDObjectJSON(ObjectJSON): def __init__(self, storage, unit_system=None): super(UUIDObjectJSON, self).__init__(unit_system) self.excluded_keys = ['json'] = storage
[docs] def simplify(self, obj, base_type=''): if obj is return {'_storage': 'self'} if obj.__class__.__module__ != '__builtin__': if obj.__class__ in if not obj._ignore: store =[obj.__class__] return { '_hex_uuid': hex(obj.__uuid__), '_store':} return super(UUIDObjectJSON, self).simplify(obj, base_type)
[docs] def build(self, obj): if type(obj) is dict: if '_storage' in obj: if obj['_storage'] == 'self': return if '_obj_uuid' in obj and '_store' in obj: store =[obj['_store']] result = store.load(int(UUID(obj['_obj_uuid']))) return result if '_hex_uuid' in obj and '_store' in obj: store =[obj['_store']] result = store.load(long(obj['_hex_uuid'], 16)) return result return super(UUIDObjectJSON, self).build(obj)
# a little code snippet to wrap strings around for nicer output # idea found @
[docs]def word_wrap(string, width=80): lines = string.split('\n') lines = [x.rstrip() for x in lines] result = [] for line in lines: while len(line) > width: marker = width - 1 while not line[marker].isspace(): marker -= 1 result.append(line[0:marker]) line = line[marker + 1:] result.append(line) return '\n'.join(result)