Source code for adaptivemd.reducer

# adaptiveMD: A Python Framework to Run Adaptive Molecular Dynamics (MD)
#             Simulations on HPC Resources
# Copyright 2017 FU Berlin and the Authors
# Authors: Jan-Hendrik Prinz
# Contributors:
# `adaptiveMD` is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with MDTraj. If not, see <>.

from file import AddPathAction, FileAction, FileTransaction, MakeDir, \
    Copy, Transfer, Link, Move, Remove, Touch

import os

[docs]class ActionParser(object): """ A class that can interprete actions into scheduler understandable commands """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.parent = None self.scheduler = None
[docs] def parse(self, scheduler, action): """ Parse a single action Parameters ---------- scheduler : `Scheduler` the used scheduler which knows about specifics in the parsing process, like, e.g., file paths action : `Action` or dict or list of str the actual action to be parsed Returns ------- list of `Action` or dict or str """ return action
def __call__(self, scheduler, actions): return self._f([self.parse(scheduler, x) for x in actions]) def __rshift__(self, other): return ChainedParser(self, other) @staticmethod def _f(actions): """ Flatten lists Returns ------- list of str or dict or `Action` """ return filter(bool, sum([x if isinstance(x, list) else [x] for x in actions], []))
[docs]class DictFilterParser(ActionParser):
[docs] def parse(self, scheduler, action): if isinstance(action, dict): return action return None
[docs]class StrFilterParser(ActionParser):
[docs] def parse(self, scheduler, action): if isinstance(action, basestring): return action return None
[docs]class ChainedParser(ActionParser): """ Parser that represents the chained application of two parser """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, child): super(ChainedParser, self).__init__() self.parent = parent self.child = child
def __call__(self, scheduler, actions): return self.parent(scheduler, self.child(scheduler, actions))
[docs]class StageInParser(ActionParser): """ Special parser that can interpret actions into RP stage-in phase """
[docs] def parse(self, scheduler, action): if isinstance(action, FileTransaction): source = action.source target = sp = source.url tp = target.url ret = { 'source': sp, 'target': tp, 'action': 'Transfer' # rp.TRANSFER } return ret return action
[docs]class BashParser(ActionParser):
[docs] def parse(self, scheduler, action): if isinstance(action, FileAction): sp = action.source.url sd = sp.split('://')[0] if sd == 'worker': sp = sp.split('://')[1] if isinstance(action, Transfer): if sd == 'file': sp = sp.split('://')[1] if isinstance(action, Remove): return ['rm %s %s' % ( '-r' if action.source.is_folder else '', sp)] elif isinstance(action, Touch): if action.source.is_folder: return ['mkdir -p %s' % sp] else: return ['touch %s' % sp] elif isinstance(action, MakeDir): if action.source.is_folder: return ['mkdir -p %s' % sp] elif isinstance(action, FileTransaction): if == action.source.is_folder: # file to file and folder to folder rules = stage_rules[action.__class__] if rules['bash_cmd']: tp = td = if isinstance(action, Move) and action.source.is_folder: # we cannot just replace an existing folder using `mv` # easiest way is to just move all source files # this will create `mv source/* target/ and mv all files in # source to target and overwrite the targets as we expect return [ 'mkdir -p %s' % tp, # create target dir if not exist 'mv %s* %s' % (sp, tp), # move all files 'rm -r %s' % sp] # remove source dir else: if isinstance(action, Transfer): if td == 'file': tp = tp.split('://')[1] if isinstance(action, Link): # links must not end in `/` if tp = tp[:-1] sp = sp[:-1] return ['%s %s %s' % (rules['bash_cmd'], sp, tp)] else: if isinstance(action, AddPathAction): return ['export PATH=%s:$PATH' % action.path] return action
[docs]class StageParser(ActionParser): """ Parse into possible RP Stage commands for ComputeUnits """
[docs] def parse(self, scheduler, action): sa_location = scheduler.staging_area_location if isinstance(action, FileAction): sp = action.source.url # useful for RP only if sp.startswith(sa_location): sp = 'staging://' + sp.split(sa_location)[1] sd = sp.split('://')[0] if sd == 'worker': sp = sp.split('://')[1] if isinstance(action, Transfer): if sd == 'file': sp = sp.split('://')[1] if isinstance(action, FileTransaction): tp = td = if td == 'worker': tp = tp.split('://')[1] if isinstance(action, Transfer): if td == 'file': tp = tp.split('://')[1] rules = stage_rules[action.__class__] signature = (sd, td) action_models = rules['folder' if action.source.is_folder else 'file'] action_mode = action_models.get(signature) if action_mode == 'stage': ret = { 'source': sp, 'target': tp, 'action': rules['rp_action'] } return ret return action
[docs]class WorkerParser(ActionParser): """ A parser that can interprete transactions from/to ``file://`` for workers This will write the files to the target location instead of a real transaction. It requires the file to be stored in the DB using ``load()`` """
[docs] def parse(self, scheduler, action): # all of this is to keep RP compatibility which works with files if isinstance(action, FileTransaction): source = action.source target = # create file from sp = scheduler.replace_prefix(source.url) tp = scheduler.replace_prefix(target.url) if == 'file' and != 'file': if source.has_file: with open(tp, 'w') as f: f.write(source.get_file()) return ['# write file `%s` from DB' % tp] elif os.path.exists(sp): # in case someone already created the file we need, rename it if sp != tp: return ['ln %s %s' % (sp, tp)] else: return ['# Could not write or rename file', action] elif == 'file' and != 'file': return ['ln -s %s %s' % (sp, tp)] return action
[docs]class PrefixParser(ActionParser): """ Replace all adaptiveMD prefixes Usually the last step to convert all file paths """
[docs] def parse(self, scheduler, action): if isinstance(action, basestring): # a bash command, look for prefixes to be parsed return [scheduler.replace_prefix(action)] return action
# a list of RP implementations and bash commands for each `Action` stage_rules = { Copy: { 'file': { ('staging', 'worker'): 'stage', ('worker', 'staging'): 'stage', ('sandbox', 'worker'): 'bash', ('shared', 'worker'): 'bash', ('worker', 'shared'): 'bash', ('shared', 'shared'): 'bash', ('shared', 'staging'): 'bash', ('staging', 'shared'): 'bash' }, 'folder': { ('staging', 'worker'): 'bash', ('worker', 'staging'): 'bash', ('sandbox', 'worker'): 'bash', ('shared', 'worker'): 'bash', ('worker', 'shared'): 'bash', ('shared', 'shared'): 'bash', ('shared', 'staging'): 'bash', ('staging', 'shared'): 'bash' }, 'bash_cmd': 'cp', 'rp_action': 'Copy' # rp.COPY }, Transfer: { 'file': { ('file', 'worker'): 'stage', ('file', 'staging'): 'stage', ('staging', 'worker'): 'stage', ('staging', 'file'): 'stage', ('worker', 'staging'): 'stage', ('worker', 'file'): 'stage' }, 'folder': { }, 'bash_cmd': None, 'rp_action': 'Transfer' # rp.TRANSFER }, Move: { 'file': { ('staging', 'worker'): 'stage', ('worker', 'staging'): 'stage', ('sandbox', 'worker'): 'bash', ('shared', 'worker'): 'bash', ('worker', 'shared'): 'bash', ('shared', 'shared'): 'bash', ('shared', 'staging'): 'bash', ('staging', 'shared'): 'bash' }, 'folder': { ('staging', 'worker'): 'bash', ('worker', 'staging'): 'bash', ('sandbox', 'worker'): 'bash', ('shared', 'worker'): 'bash', ('worker', 'shared'): 'bash', ('shared', 'shared'): 'bash', ('shared', 'staging'): 'bash', ('staging', 'shared'): 'bash' }, 'bash_cmd': 'mv', 'rp_action': 'Move' # rp.MOVE }, Link: { 'file': { ('staging', 'worker'): 'stage', ('sandbox', 'worker'): 'bash', ('shared', 'worker'): 'bash' }, 'folder': { ('staging', 'worker'): 'bash', ('sandbox', 'worker'): 'bash', ('shared', 'worker'): 'bash' }, 'bash_cmd': 'ln -s', 'rp_action': 'Link' # rp.LINK } }