Source code for adaptivemd.mongodb.file

import logging
import gridfs
from uuid import UUID

from base import StorableMixin
from object import ObjectStore
from proxy import LoaderProxy

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FileStore(ObjectStore): def __init__(self, name, content_class): super(FileStore, self).__init__(name, content_class) self.grid = None
[docs] def initialize(self): self.grid = gridfs.GridFS( self._created = True
[docs] def restore(self): self.grid = gridfs.GridFS(
[docs] def consume_one(self, test_fnc=None): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def modify_one(self, key, value, update): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def modify_test_one(self, test_fnc, key, value, update): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def load_indices(self): self.index = [long(x, 16) for x in self.grid.list()]
def __len__(self): if self.grid: return len(list(self.grid.find())) return 0 def _load(self, idx): _id = hex(idx) f = self.grid.find_one({'_id': _id}) obj = obj.__store__ = self obj.__uuid__ = idx obj.__time__ = f._time # use time or 0 if unset return obj
[docs] def cache_all(self): pass
def _save(self, obj): _id = hex(obj.__uuid__) s = if hasattr(obj, 'name'): self.grid.put( s,, _id=_id, _time=obj.__time__ **{x: getattr(obj, x) for x in self._find_by}) # add search indices else: self.grid.put( s, _id=_id, _time=obj.__time__, **{x: getattr(obj, x) for x in self._find_by}) # add search indices obj.__store__ = self return obj # ========================================================================== # LOAD/SAVE DECORATORS FOR CACHE HANDLING # ==========================================================================
[docs] def find_one(self, dct): idx = self.grid.find_one(dct)['filename'] return self.load(int(UUID(idx)))
[docs] def load(self, idx): """ Returns an object from the storage. Parameters ---------- idx : int the integer index of the object to be loaded Returns ------- :py:class:`mongodb.base.StorableMixin` the loaded object """ if type(idx) is str: idx = long(UUID(self.grid.find_one({'filename': idx})['_id']), 16) if type(idx) is long: pass elif type(idx): raise ValueError(( 'indices of type "%s" are not allowed in named storage ' '(only str and long)') % type(idx).__name__ ) # if it is in the cache, return it try: obj = self.cache[idx] logger.debug('Found IDX #' + str(idx) + ' in cache. Not loading!') if idx not in self.index: # update cache self.index.append(idx) return obj except KeyError: pass logger.debug( 'Calling load object of type `%s` @ IDX #%d' % (self.content_class.__name__, idx)) obj = self._load(idx) logger.debug( 'Calling load object of type %s and IDX # %d ... DONE' % (self.content_class.__name__, idx)) if obj is not None: # update cache there might have been a change due to naming self.cache[idx] = obj if idx not in self.index: # update cache self.index.append(idx) logger.debug( 'Try loading UUID object of type %s and IDX # %d ... DONE' % (self.content_class.__name__, idx)) logger.debug( 'Finished load object of type %s and IDX # %d ... DONE' % (self.content_class.__name__, idx)) return obj
[docs] def save(self, obj): """ Saves an object to the storage. Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`mongodb.base.StorableMixin` the object to be stored """ uuid = obj.__uuid__ if uuid in self.index: # has been saved so quit and do nothing return self.reference(obj) # mark as saved so circular dependencies will not cause infinite loops n_idx = len(self.index) self.index.append(uuid) q = self.grid.find_one({'_id': hex(uuid)}) if q is not None: # exists return self.reference(obj) if isinstance(obj, LoaderProxy): if obj._store is self: # is a proxy of a saved object so do nothing return uuid else: # it is stored but not in this store so we try storing the # full attribute which might be still in cache or memory # if that is not the case it will be stored again. This can # happen when you load from one store save to another. And load # again after some time while the cache has been changed and try # to save again the loaded object. We will not explicitly store # a table that matches objects between different storages. return if not isinstance(obj, self.content_class): raise ValueError(( 'This store can only store object of base type "%s". Given ' 'obj is of type "%s". You might need to use another store.') % (self.content_class, obj.__class__.__name__) ) logger.debug('Saving ' + str(type(obj)) + ' using IDX #' + str(uuid)) try: self._save(obj) self.cache[uuid] = obj except: # in case we did not succeed remove the mark as being saved del self.index[n_idx] raise return self.reference(obj)
def __contains__(self, item): uuid = item.__uuid__ if item.__uuid__ in self.index: return True q = self.grid.find_one({'_id': hex(uuid)}) if q is not None: # exists self.index.append(uuid) return True return False
[docs]class DataDict(StorableMixin): """ Delegate to the contained .data object """
[docs] def __init__(self, data): super(DataDict, self).__init__() = data
def __getitem__(self, item): return[item] def __contains__(self, item): return item in def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(, item)